How to Start
Cleaning and Revitalization - When you receive your crystals, purify it to eliminate the traces of the various influences with which it has been charged. Therefore, immerse palms tones in distilled water or spring water and for bracelet use light cleansing only. For that place it under direct sunlight or moonlight and allow the crystal to be exposed to this light for over 24 hrs. In this duration, the light penetrates your crystal and fills it with positive energy.
Charging with Intention – Focus your thoughts or intentions over the crystal to charging it. You can even meditate or simply feel the energy by holding complete set inside both palms covering each other, with your aura crystals will get recharge. Make sure that you do not hurry while injecting your thoughts into crystals because the more time you take, the more powerful the crystals becomes.
Chakra- Balancing Meditation – For this you can hold any chosen crystal in your palm, place it near you, or place it directly on your chakra centres while lying face up. Visualize your intentions for using the specific stone, and allow it to disperse its healing energies into your energetic body. Many healing crystals will help align, activate, and revitalize the chakras during meditation.
Utilizing crystals during meditation can serve as a powerful tool to enhance your meditation time and further improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It will bring your energy centres into complete balance and harmony.