SUNSTONE – Its meaning and uses
Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energises all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It reduces fear, relieves stress and increases vitality. This crystal encourages independence and originality especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant, increases confidence, encourages optimism and enthusiasm, stimulates self-healing powers, it also treats chronic sore throats, reduces stomach tension and relieves ulcers. It treats cartilage and spinal problems.
Seeing what CRYSTAL AGATE BRACELETS, we have the ultimate triple success bracelet which uses the Citrine crystal in the making with other appropriate crystals. Apart from this, we have products offering solutions like stress bracelets, sleep bracelets, anti depression bracelets, weight loss bracelets, success bracelets and protection bracelets and many more.
Sunstone’s warm shades of gold and red, sometimes orange or brown will make one think they are looking at the sun. These colours gave the stone its name.
Sunstone may be clear and transparent sometimes, and they can see traces of Goethite or Hematite on it. But there are opaque sunstones also available in the market.
Sunstone is also called Aventurine Feldspar and Goldstone, and it’s known to attract the powers of the sun.
Sunstone deposits are popularly found in the regions of the USA, Canada, Norway, Russia, Greece and India.
- Sunstone Physical Healing Energy
Sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs.
Sunstone is used to treat chronic sore throats, to reduce stomach tension and ulcers. Placed on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and seasonal affective disorder, and is helpful in chasing away nightmares.
Since ancient times, Sunstone has been used as a grid around the body to relieve cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains. Today it is also used to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury.
- Sunstone Emotional Healing Energy
Sunstone is highly effective in cleansing the aura and chakras, and for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy, and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying "No."
It helps remove codependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment and independence
- Sunstone Spiritual Energy
Sunstone relates to people of faith - missionaries and others who give themselves in service to the world. It encourages one to act with grace, and aids in active, joyous meditation.
Worn together, these stones integrate god and goddess powers, assertive and outward success and inner harmony within your life.
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