Energy crystals for nurturing mother nature

Energy crystals for nurturing mother nature
Being a mother is no easy task.
She needs to constantly attend to her child and ensure that he/she grows up to be a kind and responsible person.
During this entire process, there would be times when she would feel low and would lack the necessary energy to uplift her spirit due to the emotional as well as physical toll which motherhood would take on her life.
Thankfully there are crystals that help a mother to embrace her happy side, even in stressful times.
These crystals also promote a sense of energy and enthusiasm inside her which proves to be beneficial while dealing with her child.
She tends to feel more gentle and peaceful on the inside and does not crumble easily under pressure.

Below is a list of four such crystals that could help to nurture a mother:

Black Onyx

black onyx

Called as the ‘Stone of Endurance’, black onyx offers you the strength to face difficult situations and helps to ease down the transition into motherhood.
This is a powerful protection stone and transforms negative energy that intends to harm you.
This stone also aids in the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina and prevents draining of personal energy.
During times of confusion or grief, a mother can easily resort to black onyx to help her get out of such situations.

Rose quartz

rose quartz

Called as the stone of universal love, roe quartz has properties that would overcome any kind of stress or anxiety which a mother faces while nurturing her child.
The gentle vibes of rose quartz are enough to restore humility and compassion in a mother and promote love at all levels.
The deep inner healing and feeling of peace which rose quartz provides allow a mother to be more caring and gentle towards her child.



This is a stone that ensures overall physical fitness.
Turquoise is essential for maintaining a physical as well as emotional balance in a woman and makes her feel at peace.
This nurturing stone always brings a mother back to her happy self and helps her to communicate with her child in a gentle yet precise manner.
Turquoise is a very calming stone that has the ability to induce serenity and lift depleted spirits.
This stone flushes out all the negativity from your mind and assists you during meditation.



This stabilizing stone is beneficial for a mother in many ways.
Not only does the carnelian restore vitality but it also helps to motivate a mother to face the challenges with all her heart.
Carnelian gives courage to a mother and dispels apathy in her mind.
It tells her to be fearless in whatever she does in her life.
Carnelian also helps a woman in trusting herself and her perceptions.

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