Cleansling and aligning your crystals


Crystals – a boon to mankind ever since the times of civilisation times they have been used for a variety of purposes. Today, crystals find themselves, used in so many ways.

Jewellery, accessories are amongst the many where they have made their usage known. But apart from this, crystals have found a soft corner place for people in the form of healing crystals such as healing crystal bracelets. Now you can ask how? The healing properties are powerful enough for a person to justify its usage in this field.

Crystal agate bracelets, have found the right match, made the right combination depending on the properties of such crystals form the right crystal bracelets for some of the most needed issues faced by people.

Now, be it progress in life like leadership qualities, money, success, issues like stress and anti-depression and even for factors like meditation, love and marriage we have success bracelet, chakra bracelet, health bracelet, money bracelet, stress bracelet, protection bracelet and love braceletto offer amongst others.

Having one is good but keeping them clean and energised is important. Today, we shall be explaining how to cleanse crystal ion your crystal bracelets.


Keeping your crystals clean is important as they absorb, attract and repel certain types of energy.

Crystal bracelets are used to absorb negative energy, we must get rid of those absorbed and unwanted energy before using them again. Think of this like using a sponge to soak up dirty water. If you want to keep using the sponge, you’ll need to squeeze out the dirt absorbed.

Before you start using crystals, it is a good practise to cleanse the crystals in the crystal bracelets and align it with yourself.

Doing this is simple! You can soak your crystals in natural water or holy water. Smudging using the smoke from white sage, dried herbs or incense can also be great to cleanse your crystals. Some people even give their healing crystals a moon bath by letting them be out at night under the full moon light.

The next step, after the cleansing of the crystal…

After you’ve cleaned your stones and crystals in the crystal bracelets for healing, align them with your energy by holding them in the palm of your hand, closing your eyes, stating your intention for them and thanking them for the healing they will provide you.

Always remember!

Clean your crystal bracelets after each use. This means crystals you wear everyday should be cleaned before you wear them the next day and crystals used for a healing session should be promptly cleaned after each session. This is important, since these cleansing process re-energies your crystal bracelets for them to work to their full potential for the purpose each crystal is worn for.

Would this article draw interest to you to look for different types of crystal bracelets, then click here and head straight to our product line-up.

At crystal agate bracelets, we bring you varied varieties of charm bracelets

We carry specific kind of bracelets like  Health Braceletsmedical braceletsand weight loss bracelets for various ailments and disturbances in your body. 

For those who are suffering from mental pressure, and ailments we have a great set of bracelets like, stress buster braceletsstress bracelets etc 

Shop with us for top quality Health Braceletsmedical bracelets and weight loss bracelets that will assure you a great health recovery. 

With this main reason for crystals busting stress, we are sure you will never ever experience any more stress once you start wearing our Stress Buster Bracelets.

Whether it is love braceletstress buster braceletssleep braceletschakra bracelets each charm braceletshas its own significance that can bring a major change in your lifestyle. 

We at Crystal agate bring you quality products that are highly energised and made right! 

Check out our entire range of Crystal bracelets. Shop now for your ideal one now! These bracelets for women can also be used by men to attract the same energy.

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