
According to practitioners, chakras are energy centers in your body. The chakras are spinning wheels of energy located along your spine. They’re also known as bio fields or energy vortices.

In order to choose a healing crystal, you have to look at several stone attributes, including its energetic quality, colour, and the intuitive or personal resonance you have with it.

Make every cell in your body awaken and rejoice!

Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull… even ill.

The good news is that it doesn't have to continue! Chakras can help one solve many such worries and problems. Crystals related to chakras are the real solutions to these agendas.


Each chakra is typically associated with one or several stones. Here’s a list to help you choose your healing crystal depending on the energy center you’re focusing on.

  • Root chakra stones: bloodstone, tiger’s eye, hematite, fire agate, black tourmaline
  • Sacral chakra stones: citrine, carnelian, moonstone, coral
  • Solar Plexus chakra stones: malachite, calcite, citrine, topaz
  • Heart chakra stones: rose quartz, jade, green calcite, green tourmaline
  • Throat chakra stones: lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine
  • Third eye chakra stones: amethyst, purple fluorite, black obsidian
  • Crown chakra stones: selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, diamond

Before we move ahead on this agenda we wish to inform that one can find beautiful crystals on our platform. We have solutions for many other requirements as well in the form of stress bracelets, sleep bracelets, anti depression bracelets, weight loss bracelets, success bracelets, protection bracelets and many more.

As we all know, there are seven chakras and today we wish to let you know the benefits of these seven chakras associated with chakra healing.

  • They help develop overall health and well-being.
  • More significant and faster ability to improve your mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional issues.
  • Increase openness, memory, concentration, and mindfulness.
  • Positive outlook in terms of knowledge, perception of behaviours and thought process
  • Heightened creativity and better resourcefulness because of a better impression
  • Sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and self- confidence
  • Improved and sound sleep, better control over your emotions and patience


For the crystals you wish to use for the respective chakras, pick accordingly from crystal bracelet options for what type of intention you set for yourself. Choose from stress bracelets, sleep bracelets, anti depression bracelets, weight loss bracelets, success braceletsprotection bracelets and many more.

At crystal agate bracelets, we bring you varied varieties of charm bracelets

We carry specific kind of bracelets like Health Braceletsmedical braceletsand weight loss bracelets for various ailments and disturbances in your body. 

For those who are suffering from mental pressure, and ailments we have a great set of bracelets like, stress buster braceletsstress bracelets etc 

Shop with us for top quality Health Braceletsmedical bracelets and weight loss bracelets that will assure you a great health recovery. 

With this main reason for crystals busting stress, we are sure you will never ever experience any more stress once you start wearing our Stress Buster Bracelets.

Whether it is love braceletstress buster braceletssleep braceletschakra bracelets each charm braceletshas its own significance that can bring a major change in your lifestyle. 

We at Crystal agate bring you quality products that are highly energised and made right! 

Check out our entire range of Crystal bracelets. Shop now for your ideal one now! These bracelets for women can also be used by men to attract the same energy.

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