All you got to know about Tiger eye stone


Crystal bracelets with Tiger eye stone are all you need for the fearless mind and luck you of life that you always desired.

Known as "The Shapeshifter," this stone of mental fortitude and inspiration will assist you with being fruitful at all that you do. 

At the point when you channel the vitality of Tiger's Eye, you'll have the option to interface with a definitive power precious stone of the mineral realm. Regularly, dread can represent a test to our prosperity It can trap you in your place, and assume responsibility for your life.

The Tiger's Eye precious stone changes those harmful sentiments into mental fortitude and self-assurance. It causes you to move your point of view so you can see the route forward, even in the midst of dread. In the event that you start questioning yourself, draw on the ground-breaking and balancing out the vitality of the Tiger's Eye gem significance by programming it with a goal including energy, mental fortitude, and assurance. 

At that point, grasp it and envision its unadulterated light moving through your sunlight based plexus chakra.

We at Crystal agate bracelets bring you crystal bracelets with Tiger eye stone. Our Tiger eye stone crystal bracelets bring that luck to your life allowing you to explore the world with your gambling nature with lady luck backing you. 

Here are the crystal bracelets that you can buy at Crystal agate bracelets.

Crystal braceletsTiger Eye

Revered as the “all-seeing all-knowing eye”, great for enhancing perception and and insight. This stone helps one to act in unison with their intuition.


Powerful healing stone that clears energy blockages from the aura and heightens psychic abilities and intuition. One of the best stones to use for protection against negative entities.


Has a delicate, yet powerful, healing energy which facilitates clairvoyant visions and intuitive insight. A stone of vision helping us to journey inward and connect with our angels.

Crystal bracelets


Prized as a symbol of wisdom, turquoise encourages clarity of thought. This blue crystal is also associated with the Throat Chakra which supports clear communication. It fares as a good luck charm during oral exams or interviews.

Crystal Quartz

Works wonders in clearing the mind, increasing focus and enhancing memory.

Tiger Eye

Revered as the “all-seeing all-knowing eye”, great for enhancing concentration and alertness. Draw on Tiger's Eye to boost will power, patience and positive energy.

Crystal bracelets

Red Tiger Eye

One of the most effective gemstones to stimulate and speed up your metabolism. It enhances confidence and provides motivation to the non-motivated.


A meditative and calming stone with powerful healing properties that purifies and clears the mind of negative thoughts. Helps you break free from addictions, including over-eating.


Brings light to all situations, has bright, joyful energy that increases vitality and keeps you motivated and enthusiastic. Like the sun, sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism and digestion.

With this Tiger eye as main crystal that is known for the fearless mind and luck you of life that you always desired. 

Whether it is Health bracelet, love bracelet, stress buster bracelets, weight loss bracelets, sleep bracelets, chakra bracelets or charm bracelets, each crystal bracelets has its own significance that can bring a major change in your lifestyle. 

We at Crystal agate bring you  Health bracelet, love bracelet, stress buster bracelets, weight loss bracelets, sleep bracelets, chakra bracelets, charm bracelets and crystal bracelets that are highly energised and made right! 

Check out our entire range of Crystal bracelets. Shop now for your ideal one now! These bracelets for women can also be used by men to attract the same energy.

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