5 Must-Have Powerful Red Healing Crystals

5 Must-Have Powerful Red Healing Crystals
Red crystals are one of the most beautiful crystals on the planet and are considered to be filled with life and vitality.
These crystals are always associated with emotions like love, passion, romance, warmth, and heat.
These crystals are a treasure house of courage and determination and help you to achieve success in your life.
Red is the colour of humanity, blood, and love.
These crystals are associated with the Sacral, Heart and Root chakras and bring about a balance in one’s life.

The following is a list of 5 commonly used red crystals:



This is the foremost crystal that should come to your mind whenever you mention red crystals.
Ruby is often used as a medicine for heart disorders and is a very powerful grounding stone.
This stone fills you with determination and dedication if used for a long time.
You can use this stone to reignite the passion in a relationship by activating your heart chakra.



This is an excellent stone to regulate the blood circulation in your body.
Garnet is related to the Root chakra and hence is able to detoxify the blood and keep the heart-healthy.
Garnet also promotes spiritual thinking and self-empowerment and is a stone of prosperity and abundance.

Red Jasper

red jasper

This stone is said to increase emotional stamina, courage, balance, and self-confidence.
Red Jasper can also be used to increase the memory of dreams by balancing your aggressive mind.
This calming stone stimulates the Root chakra and helps you to stay grounded and true to your roots.
It sustains and supports through the time of stress and brings tranquility and wholeness to one’s life.

Red Agate

red agate

This is a stone of protection. Red agate shields the wearer from negative energies and helps you to get rid of fear and anxiety.
This stone balances the Root chakra and helps you to stay calm during stressful situations.
This stone is capable of dissipating negative energies from your body and spirit and cleanse all the toxic elements from your aura.

Red Tiger’s Eye

red tiger eye

This is a stimulating stone that supports motivation and helps to channel energy through your body.
It also aids in enhancing your self-confidence and self-esteem and makes you strong enough to face challenging situations.
This stone can also help to balance and clear emotions, thereby contributing to a calm and peaceful disposition.
Red crystals are mostly used to feel motivated and have a determined approach in life.
These crystals are bound to increase your enthusiasm levels and give you the much-needed boost of energy.
These crystals uplift and empower you and help you to get over your restlessness.
If you want to achieve something in life, you need to start using red crystals.
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