5 Crystals for Different Types of Cancer

Cancer can be described as an abnormal amount of cell growth which is detrimental to the healthy functioning of the human body.
Though modern medicine has made a lot of advancements in the field of cancer treatment, crystal healing therapies can still prove to be useful as a complement to modern medicine.
Below is a list of Healing crystals that help to deal with a certain type of cancer. :
Rose quartz
This is an ideal crystal for breast cancer as its pink colour and heart are synonymous with breast cancer crystals. The queen of heart crystals and compassion, Rose quartz is an excellent friend to hold close in your battle against breast cancer.
From stress to pain, wearing or massaging this crystal on the affected area will bring relief and help in the speedy recovery.

This crystal helps to deal with bone cancer. Chrysocolla helps with the inflammation of bones and joints and alleviates muscular/skeletal conditions.
This stone calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. This leads to overall well-being and health.
It is said that 14% of all newly reported cancers are lung cancer. If you are a smoker, then you might want to add this energy crystal to your list. Amethyst helps in rejuvenating the organs of the human body. It also regenerates failed organs and inhibits the growth of cancerous cells in the lungs faster than most healing crystals.
Amethyst is known as the crystal of the lungs. Not only does this stone help in de-addiction and rehabilitation but also helps to eject the tar out of your lungs.
Red garnet
This stone is ideal for helping the speedy recovery from blood cancer. Blood cancer is one of the worst cancers as it spreads quickly and can be very deadly if not treated properly.
If you rub this crystal on your veins or heart chakra, it will help to purify the blood, reinforce the vessels and boost circulation. It is called the bloodstone by crystal users for its restorative powers on the heart and blood.

This crystal is ideal for offering from liver cancer. To heal the elimination organs of the body, omnipotent crystal vibrations are necessary to penetrate the liver tissues and heal from within.
Rubbing this crystal over the liver area can stop the pain as well as regenerate cells to form a healthier liver. You can even create an elixir using this crystal and drink it to cleanse and rejuvenate your liver.
Disclaimer: Cancer is a serious health issue and you should immediately consult the doctor and take medical help if it is detected. The crystals mentioned below act as a complement to the doctor’s medicine and not as a supplement to it.
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